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【Restock/7"】Marron IEGUTI Ambient duo - New Day

【Restock/7"】Marron IEGUTI Ambient duo - New Day

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大推薦!!5bit Records最新作が入荷しました!!

日本の音響派ギタリスト”Marron"と、”PARA”や"EP-4 [fn.ψ]"など様々なバンドやユニットで鍵盤・シンセサイザー奏者として活躍する”IEGUTI”のアンビエントに特化したduo “Marron - IEGUTI - Ambient duo”による初の音源がリリース!

本作7inch Vinylでは、”BOREDOMS"のコアメンバーとして活動し、”OOIOO”、"Free Kitten”、”SAICOBAB"などのバンドや、"FLAMING LIPS”、"Beastie Boys"等による自身を題材とした楽曲や、世界中を舞台にした数え切れないセッションワークやプロジェクトへの参加で知られるポリフォニックな多層型アーティスト、”YoshimiO”によるプリミティブなVoiceをフィーチャー。

Remixは、"Based On Kyoto"や"Mo-Waii"名義等でアナログ / CD作品をリリースし、"CHURASHIMA NAVIGATOR”、”AQATUKI"等のバンドのリミックス、宮崎のシンガー”hou"の楽曲プロデュース等も手掛け、京都木屋町にてイベントスペース「DNA PARADISE」を運営するDJ / プロデューサーである”Daichi”。

Masteringは、”SOFT”、”AOA”、"BASED ON KYOTO”など数々のバンドに参加して多くの作品をリリースし、テクノ黎明期からDJとして活動。”DACHAMBO”をはじめ多くのリミックスワークを手掛け、現在"CHURASHIMA NAVIGATOR"にて活動中であり、自身のレーベル”MATSUNOMI TO SENSO“を立ち上げた”Sinkichi”。

日本のアンダーグランドミュージックシーンを支えてきたアーティストが集結した素晴らしい作品に仕上がっています。CD album & Digitalでは、7inch Vinylリリースの表題曲”NEW DAY”を含む全9曲からなるアンビエントアルバムとなっています。
"Marron" is a Japanese "guitar electronica” artist, and "IEGUTI" is a keyboardist and synthesizer player in various bands and units such as "PARA" and "EP-4 [fn.ψ]". The first sound source by "Marron - IEGUTI - Ambient duo", a duo specializing in ambient music, will be released.
The 7inch vinyl features the primitive voice of YoshimiO, a polyphonic multi-layered artist.
She has been a core member of "BOREDOMS", and is known for her work with bands such as "OOIOO", "Free Kitten", and "SAICOBAB", as well as her participation in countless session work and projects around the world, including songs about her by "FLAMING LIPS" and "Beastie Boys”.
Remixed by "Daichi", a DJ/producer who has released analog/CD works under the names "Based On Kyoto" and "Mo-Waii", remixed bands such as "CHURASHIMA NAVIGATOR" and "AQATUKI", and produced music for Miyazaki singer "hou", and runs the event space "DNA PARADISE" in Kiyamachi, Kyoto.
Mastered by "Sinkichi”. He has participated in many bands such as "SOFT", "AOA", "BASED ON KYOTO", and has released many works. He has been working as a DJ since the early days of techno. He has done many remix works including "DACHAMBO", and is currently working with "CHURASHIMA NAVIGATOR", and has started his own label "MATSUNOMI TO SENSO”.
This is a wonderful work by a group of artists who have supported the underground music scene in Japan.
The CD & Digital release is an ambient album consisting of 9 tracks, including the title track "NEW DAY", which was released on 7inch vinyl.


-Track List-
SIDE A. New day featuring YoshimiO
SIDE B. New day Daichi Remix

Recorded by Shigeki IEGUTI, Kabamix (Voice)
Mixed by Shigeki IEGUTI (SIDE A) / Daichi (SIDE B)
Mastered by Sinkichi (KOZA BC STREET STUDIO)
Special Thanks to NEW DAY

Label:5bit Records(5BITREC-01,# 006)

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